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Working together to alleviate poverty by empowering women

Women Focus Canada is committed to dismantling barriers, fostering equal opportunities, and amplifying women's voices to create lasting, and positive change nationwide.

Women Focus Canada Programs

Our Mission & Vision

Empowering women to end poverty in Canada through resources, advocacy, and community support, fostering equality, growth, and lasting change


A Canada where all women, regardless of their background or circumstances, have access to the resources, opportunities, and support they need to thrive.


La mission de Women Focus Canada Inc. est d'éliminer la pauvreté au Canada en autonomisant les femmes grâce à des ressources, du plaidoyer et un soutien communautaire pour atteindre une stabilité économique ainsi qu'un épanouissement personnel et professionnel. Women Focus Canada s'engage à démanteler les barrières, à promouvoir l'égalité des chances et à amplifier les voix des femmes pour créer un changement positif et durable à l'échelle nationale.


Women Focus Canada Inc.’s mission is to end poverty in Canada by empowering women with resources, advocacy, and community support to achieve economic stability, personal and professional growth. Women Focus Canada is committed to dismantling barriers, fostering equal opportunities, and amplifying women's voices to create lasting, and positive change nationwide


Un Canada où toutes les femmes, quelles que soient leurs origines ou leurs circonstances, ont accès aux ressources, opportunités et soutiens nécessaires pour s'épanouir.

Our Impact

Our Programs

We envision a Canada where all women, regardless of background, have the resources, opportunities, and support to thrive and drive lasting, positive change.

Working together to alleviate poverty by empowering women

Learning Civic Engagement and Political Advocacy

Building Generations: Financial Literacy

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0 + Years

Going Strong

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Families Impacted

Donors & Partners