2023 Youth Civic Engagement Program (YCEP)

Women Focus Canada Initiated the Youth Civic Engagement Program (YCEP) in 2023. The participants for this Program were recruited from publicly funded High Schools and Universities in the Greater Toronto Area. Part of the Program was the Tour of Queen’s Park  in May 2023 and a Networking/Reception at Queen’s Park. Find images below.

Post-Program Evaluation

75% of respondents said that they have a better understanding of Ontario’s political
system, Civic Engagement, Networking, & Leadership

50% respondents agreed that the session on Civic Engagement provided them with a
better understanding of related concepts.

100% of respondents indicated that they have a better understanding of how to enhance
networking and personal branding skills after attending the Networking and Personal
Branding workshop.

50% of respondents said that the Legislative Assembly tour helped them learn more
about how policies are made in the province.

Positive Testimonials from Participants

Participant 1
“ I thoroughly enjoyed the program. I got to learn so much and it was really lovely meeting all the workshop facilitators who put in the effort to put this program together ”
Participant 2
“ The sessions were very helpful, specifically the Networking and Personal Brand Building workshop, because this is something I struggled with but after the session, I had a better understanding of how to approach networking.”
Participant 3
“The leadership and career development session was useful because it highlighted the various ways I could get involved in civic related appointments. It helped me gain clarity on the different ways I could approach my career path.”
Youth Community Engagement Networking Event at the Provincial Legislature of Ontario

Dr Oluremi Adewale Opening Remarks at YCEP Program

WFC Youth Civic Engagement - WFC Mission and Vision

Panel Discussion at YCEP Event at the Ontario provincial legislature

Ganiyat Sadiq Speaks at YCEP Event

Hyatt Awisse Speaks at YCEP Event

Hardeep Grewel Speaks at YCEP program

WFC Youth Civic Engagement - WFC Mission and Vision