WFC – TCS Toronto Waterfront - 5KM Run For Her

As the finish line loomed closer, a surge of exhilaration carried the runners forward toward their ultimate goal. Spectators lining the route erupted in jubilant applause, fueling the final burst of energy needed to triumphantly cross the finish line. Emotions ran high as participants embraced a profound sense of accomplishment, fully cognizant that their unwavering dedication and perseverance would positively impact the cause they championed.

On Sunday, October 15, 2023, Women Focus Canada enthusiastically joined the inaugural “Run for Her” campaign during the TCS – Toronto Waterfront Marathon, with five dedicated runners registered under the 5K category. The participants included Dr. Remi Adewale, the esteemed CEO of WFC, along with Charlotte Awani, Jaynain Panchal, Racheal Prashad, and Racheal Kalaba.

Participating in the 5K charitable run went beyond the physical challenge; it provided a platform to create a meaningful impact while pushing personal boundaries. The event fostered a spirit of camaraderie, uniting all participants toward the common goal of supporting a worthy cause, turning it into an unforgettable experience.

As the morning of the 5K charitable run unfolded, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement and anticipation. The runners, gathered at the starting line, were driven by a collective purpose, each step embodying a commitment to personal triumph and contributing to the greater good.

The race commenced with a surge of determination, fueled by thoughts of perseverance, resilience, and the cause they were championing. Along the route, the enthusiastic cheers of volunteers echoed, offering continuous support and refreshments to keep the runners motivated and hydrated. This encouraging environment reinforced the sense of community, affirming that every stride taken was a valuable contribution to the collective effort of aiding those in need.


Toronto Waterfront 5K Run Food Drive