Our Past Projects

Removing barriers to basic human necessities and helping improve opportunities and outcomes is our goal

Reliable COVID-19 Information:
Intervention and Prevention

Anxiety, Depression and
Coping Strategies during COVID-19

Intimate Partner Violence is a
Human Rights Issue

Developing Young Professionals During
Covid-19:Prepare Tomorrow's
Leaders, Today

Canadians Unite For Equity During Covid:19

The Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Marriages and Relationships

Freelancing: Remote Work as Alternative Income Source During and After COVID-19

Leadership and Professional Development during COVID-19 Pandemic

Nutrition and Physical Health During and After COVID-19 Pandemic

Entrepreneurship: Managing Your Finances during and After COVID-19

Youth Understanding Consent during and after COVID-19: No Always Means NO

Resilience and Self-Care during and after COVID-19

To learn more about the 2020 WFC Covid-19 community awareness project click here